The key figures


Idex Bordeaux,  region, CNRS, ANR, Europe (ERC, H2020 ...), internationals (PEPS, PICS ...) 

Coopérations académiques

Projects and co-publications

Coopérations industrielles

Studies, partnership research (CIFRE, FUI, PRCE ...)

Mobilité recherche

Stays abroad for more than 15 days.

Chercheurs invités

Stays of more than 15 days at the LaBRI

Comité d'organisation

National and international conferences (organisation, programme committee, scientific committee).

Activité d'expertise

Project evaluation, participation in evaluation committees at different levels (CNU, HCERES, ANR, Europe),

Activité éditoriale

editors, associate editors, guest editors.

Membre d'un jury de thèse/HDR

participation in national and international thesis/HDR juries

Thèse/HDR soutenues

Number of PHDs and HDRs defended

Prix décernés

Prizes and awards